Everyone seems to love madeleines, those dainty shell-shaped airy puffs sold in 3-packs at Starbucks and European-style bakeries. I’ve had a madeleine mold for about 10 years, long before they became quite so popular. It was my grandmother's. The pan has been used several times, although not always yielding a great result. (Actually I had more success making soap in the mold than the madeleines!)
Brilliant Daughter and I took a tart class recently and got a hot tip on where to get a pound of chef-grade vanilla beans for less than $25. Naturally, we jumped on the opportunity and ordered said pound, which arrived two days later. I couldn’t stand waiting for Brilliant Daughter to come over to bake with them, so I set out on my own. Probably the first of many mistakes. I should have had some patience and waited. Not that I cannot cook or bake without her, because I certainly can and with great success. But the vanilla bean baking was supposed to be a joint venture yielding a string of posts on this blog about that fragrant shriveled stick full of tasty little seeds. Ah, well….
The recipe for the vanilla bean madeleines, which I have subsequently thrown out, was more involved than your standard home cook would care to invest time in. It required making a brown butter, a 20-minute process of hovering around the stove. Then you had to strain the solids from the butter and let it cool. My new professional KitchenAid mixer made it easy to whip the eggs. Three minutes and they had tripled in volume and were thick and luscious looking. I patiently added the sugar, whipped for another 2 minutes until the mixture got thicker, then added the vanilla and vanilla bean. I took my time gently folding in the flour, and then the strained butter. I greased the molds with PAM, per the instructions.
At this point, my faithful husband noticed my frustration. He offered to go out and hunt down a Teflon madeleine pan to ease my pain. What I really wanted, I almost screamed at him, is a new frigging oven. Although it wasn’t the oven causing the problem, when I have baking failures and am frustrated, I take it out on the oven. In fact my whole kitchen it a bit of a disaster, but I’ll save that for another post.
I decide
Six of the cookies turned out really good. But I so hated the look of the others I thought I would glaze them with a vanilla bean glaze. Powdered sugar, vanilla bean, vanilla and cream. I painted the glaze on the cookies, and let them set. And set. And set. Hmmm….the glaze wouldn’t set. Put them in the fridge. Still, the glaze did not set up firmly. I gave up. Really. It is two days later and that madeleine pan is still in the sink to be washed, but I refuse to wash it because I am pissed. Next time, I’m sending my husband out to buy me a Teflon madeleine pan. Really.