Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My Book…is done

But I still have not seen it. Ten sample copies arrived at my house today for approval. My lucky daughter got to see the book before anyone else. While I would have loved to rip open the box and proudly hold that first copy myself, this is the next best thing.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Golly, I think I can feel a bit of that. But, it really is one of those things where it's wasted energy to be frustrated by it.
    Wow, just think how exciting it will be looking forward to it for the next two weeks. (does that work for you.)
    I think it really is a rock and hard place.
    I'm excited for you also!!!

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Fantastic! Congratulations, Mrs. B!

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Congratulations! What an accomplishment and what a relief to actually have it done. When is the book signing?

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM


  5. it's already for sale on Amazon!

  6. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Congratulations! Exciting news!

  7. Yipee!!! Congratulations, I am sure there this book will do great.

  8. Yay, Susan, Yay! How exciting it will be to have it in your hot little hands after all this time and effort. I am so pleased for you!!!

    And hey, where's my copy?:-)
