Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Tables Are Turned

Not that long ago I put out the call to test recipes for my book. The World Is a Kitchen. The response was great and book is now released (copies were mailed on Thursday for domestic partipciants and will go out Tuesday for international testers.)

So it was with some amusement that I received an email requesting that I do some recipe testing myself. The project is a soup cookbook written by Damian Browne, head chef at the Sleeping Lady Retreat Center in Leavenworth, Washington. It will be published and available next year.

Sleeping Lady is a year round retreat center specializing in conference and event planning. Nestled in the Eastern Cascade Mountains overlooking Icicle Canyon, the retreat was built with nature in mind. The landscape is much like it once was, with preservation efforts a top priority for the owners and architects. Integrated into the property is a rich arts presentation, including Icicle Creek Music Center.

Kingfisher Dining Lodge, the restaurant directed by Damian Browne, serves gourmet foods with a healthy focus. In addition to growing organic produce and herbs right on the premises, he endeavors to use local vendors for the bulk of his offerings.

Damian is from Australia and trained in Europe. He has worked in Canada and the States, first for large hotel chains, and opening new restaurants, and then found his way to Sleeping Lady when it opened in 1995. I am thrilled to be able to humbly assist by testing a few recipes over the next several weeks. On the agenda, assisted by my capable daughter, is:

Black Bean and Chipotle
French Creamy Lentil
Onion Soup Lyonnaise
Indian Cauliflower
Oaxaca Tortilla with Shrimp and Avocado
Sweet Potato and Ginger
Thai Chicken and Coconut
Southwestern Cauliflower

I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. What’s on your cooking agenda?

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