Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Kitchen Odyssey: The Final Stretch

We are sooo close to being finished. I am aching for the chance to fill the shelves, clean the one-inch dust cloud that has settled on furniture throughout the house, and cook on my new stove. I was so sure that Saturday would be the magic day (and one day ahead of schedule), but alas, it was not to be. Monday came and went as well and today, Tuesday, we have our fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that the end is near.

So what’s with the hold up? Meticulous and additional backsplash tile installation, extra plumbing and parts runs for the new dishwasher/disposal/sink configuration, missing part for the refrigerator water system, and extra prep work for the final paint coat.

We chose three types of tile to go on our backsplash, 2x2 textile, 12x12 textile, and 2x2 mixed glass. Add in the problem that the cabinet salesman measured the space incorrectly (he was off by 4 inches), and instead of using the full 12x12 tiles, all had to be cut to fit. Then there are also 4 outlets/switches along the sink run, making for more detailed cuts and you get the picture. Painstakingly slow, but better slow and steady without ruining any tiles. And the result is fantastic. The backsplash goes so well with the granite and the kitchen and adds a lot to the character. We found that the tile salesman overestimated by almost $200 worth of tile (really, I did give him the exact measurements), so now we are going to use the leftover tile to cover the wall on the pantry run of cabinets, meaning some finish work over the next two days. But it will be worth it.

As for the plumbing, we changed the configuration of the sink and attendant parts. We now have a one-tub sink, rather than a two-tub, and we added in an air button for the disposal, all necessitating different parts than we used originally. Two parts runs to get what we needed resulted in being about 30 minutes away from completion last night. But this morning, Tony will work his magic and we will have a functioning sink and dishwasher. I have not wanted to unbox the dishes and pots/pans until the dishwasher was running, as everything will need to be washed before load in. So tonite we will start on that.

Our refrigerator, only two years old, is the first we have ever had with an ice maker and filtered water system. When it was installed there were some glitches and the result was that the water pressure was never quite right. We ended up not using the filtered water unit, and the ice took too long to make. Tony tore out the rinky-dink set-up that Best Buy installed and has replumbed a (correctly sized) water line from the kitchen sink (under the house) to the fridge. One small part, which probably got tossed during move-out had to be found before we hooked it all up. Mr. B finally located the part yesterday at 5pm and it’s set to go in this morning.

We had primed all the walls early on. Our painter, Shane, came and did the first coat two weeks ago. Since then we have painted all the trim and baseboards, which Mikey installed for us. I then filled the holes and sanded. I thought that all that was left was to do one more quick coat of paint, but that shows how naïve I am. Apparently all the baseboards and windows should be caulked. So Shane spent most of yesterday afternoon caulking and painting the back door. This afternoon he will come back and do the final coat of paint on the walls and ceiling, and touch up any trim. I've included a before and after picture of the back door (altho not a great photoshop effort on my part). I always hated that door and didn't realize it looked so awful and tacky, even more so next to the new drywall. It is much improved after Mr. B took it off, sanded it down, filled in the nicks, and primed it.

Not much left on the agenda. The additional backsplash will get done today and tomorrow and then we have a few days rest while we wait for the scribe molding, top molding, thresholds, and stair nose to come. Then there will be one more round of detail work and the laying of the foyer tile. I still need to figure out a bar top and a barn slider, but those will wait until another round of funds become available, as will the new front door.

I’ll have a full round of pictures soon. So stay tuned…..

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